1. 假如你叫王若琪今天你上午你带着宠物狗扣扣散步时遇到一位外国人他找不到火车站的路。之后你帮助了他?
  2. 一篇请求别人帮你照看宠物狗的英语作文?


If your name is Wang Ruoqi today you met a foreigner in the morning with a pet dog for a walk. He couldn't find the way to the station. Then you helped him


Dear LucyI am going to London on holiday.I want you to help me to take care of the dog. If you feed three times daily food and g***e it some water. At least once a week. Take a shower, spend some time with it, the evening go out with it. Thank you!Love,Wang Lin
